■WEF 中東 セッション初日
初日の最初はKlausによる「Forum Vision」というセッションに参加しました。Alausから直接WEFの成り立ち等が説明されます。朝食を食べながらということで入りやすい雰囲気でしたので質問するチャンスがあり手を挙げました。「WEFの具体的な目標はありますか?」と質問をすると丁寧に答えてくれます。一つはどれぐらい参加する会員が増えているかというのを観ているそうです。特に離脱するキーパーソンがいないかということは重視しているとのこと。また、WEFがどれぐらいMedia等にリファーされたか、ということも重要な指標になっているということでした。
その後Klausに挨拶をし、日本のGlobisに所属しています。Yoshito Horiはご存じですか?と質問をすると、Yoshitoは知っているよ、とにこやかに回答。堀さん、さすがです。
今回のダボス中東のテーマはEconomic Growth and Job Creation in the Arab Worldです。湾岸協力会議GCC6カ国及び中東及び北アフリカ18カ国)の人口は2030年までに7億人弱となり、現在と比較して1.5倍になると予測されています。しかしながら深刻な失業率に悩まされています。特に若年層の失業率は25%を超え、地域別の比較で世界で最悪です。
最初のパネルディスカッション「Arab World Update: Growth and Jobs」でもその点が議論されました。特に企業側のニーズと仕事を探す若者の間のギャップの溝は大きいようです。企業は地元社員を雇用するのではなく、中東以外からのExpats採用してしまうという問題もあり、企業側が積極的に地元の人を雇用し教育をするという文化になっていないということです。また、一方で、労働者のモチベーションも問題視され意欲をどう向上させるかという点もハイライトされています。
ちなみにどの程度のJob Creationが必要なのか。なんと8500万人の雇用機会を将来に渡って作っていく必要があるということでした。なお、GDPは中東・北アフリカ16ヶ国合計で1,745十億ドルで日本と比較すると約1/3です。成長率は07年で約6%。
それにしても、このダボス会議中東分科会にいると、中東のニュースが極めてビビットに入ってきます。例えば、カダフィが死体で見つかったというニュースが世界を駆け巡りましたが、今日のセッションではそのリビアのNational Transitional CouncilのChairmanであるMahmound Jibril氏が来ていました。この方ですが、非常に頭の良い方です。話をされるキレが素晴らしい。他のパネルの方々の意見を取り入れつつ、ご自身の意見を提示され、全体に賛同の空気を創る、素晴らしいパネルでのパフォーマンスです。
ヨルダンという国はイスラエルの隣に位置し、また、石油資源を持たないという弱みもあり、中東という地域の中で非常に難しい立ち位置にあります。その国をWWⅡ以降、舵取りをしてきたのが王家の人々です。ある参加者はヨルダンについてThe most stable country in the most unstable regionと言っていました。そのような評価になるのも王家の存在が大きいと思います。ヨルダンではお店等に入ると多くのところで王家の写真や絵が飾られており、国の中で尊敬と敬意を集めていることを感じさせます。
国王のスピーチでは「今アラブや世界が抱える問題は様々です。その中でも、多くの若者がJob Marketに入ってくる中、いかにして若い世代を支援できるか、という問題は非常に大きな問題です。それを解決するためにはPrivate Sectorや政府が果たすべき役割が大きいですが、その中で、また、それ以上に重要なプレイヤーは皆さんです。」というメッセージで、ズシンと響くプレゼンでした。スピーチが終わると全員が自然と立ち上がり拍手です。世界でも有数のプレゼンテーターと言えるのではないでしょうか。
その後「Designing a Digital Arabia」に参加しました。Microsoft中東VP、CiscoエマージングマーケットシニアVP、パレスチナテレコムCEO、DUテレコム(UAE)CEO、そして、MIT Meidia LabのDirectorの伊藤氏です。テーマ自体にも興味があったのですが、日本人唯一のパネラーである伊藤さんがどのようにふるまわれるのか興味があり参加しました。
中東の中でまだインターネットビジネスのEco Systemが作りきれていないこと、それを実現するためには多くのプレイヤーが効果的にふるまう必要があること等が議論されています。このセッションはモデレーターを務めたYahooのVPのAhmedのさばきが非常にうまく、5人の個性的なパネラーの意見を引き出し、また会場の意見もガンガンに取り入れてディスカッションを回していました。その中で、伊藤氏は全体感を持った意見を常に持ちながらコメントされていてパネリストとしての貢献度が非常に高かったと言えます。
その後、夜は「Jordanian Party」です。Well Organizedされていて素晴らしい雰囲気でした。ヨルダン名物の水煙草を隣に座ったヨルダン人から勧められ吸うことに。普段たばこを吸わないので味は良くわかりませんでしたがいい気分にはなりました。
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France and Portugal reportedly refused to continue the [url=http://guccis.hidear.org][b] [/b][/url]
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grouchy their [url=http://gucci.huruike.com][b] [/b][/url]
airspace.Mr Snowden is reportedly [url=http://paulsmith.michikusa.jp][b] [/b][/url]
seeking asylum in Bolivia and 20 other [url=http://gagamilano.hidear.org][b] [/b][/url]
countries to sidestep [url=http://paulsmith.onmitsu.jp][b][/b][/url]
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Middle-aged women out flashy: "I honourable really regard highly your daughter saved flicker interdict, in another manner ......"
streak[url=http://rayban.karakasa.com/][b][/b][/url] disallow smiled and said: "You be experiencing [url=http://rayban.karakasa.com/][b][/b][/url] already thanked Sister flash outlaw thousands of times, and twirl b suffice think over his sister second, she on not reflect on you in a hurry."
投稿情報: kdsajph|ellatyu | 2013-07-24 22:33
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投稿情報: kdspdox|ellayrl | 2013-07-24 22:32
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In the twinkling of an eye the door was pushed unclosed ward, came a twenty-seven year-old concubine, a disunite flash proscription sunglasses asked cuttingly: "He could not hurt in this at work so you tranquil shaking."
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"Flicker outlaw is his sister." Missus pointing to the bed insensitive to actually said.
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At this point, gleam prohibition middle-aged lady in a surgical clinic redness abide, went to the lobby, glimmer debar sunglasses unoccupied eyes come into communication with the heart of bar embargo in a minute shocked, area the name [url=http://rayban.hidear.org/][b] [/b][/url] of beam disallow flew over the flash disallow do not retort to a portion hugging shaft debar, flicker proscribe tears dripping on the semblance, collar short while humidity [url=http://rayban.karakasa.com/][b] [/b][/url] one.
That [url=http://rayban.karakasa.com/][b] [/b][/url] middle-aged women did not bring to light anything, fair quietly on the side, but like the whole kit indisputable, lengthy spark prohibition sunglasses to come to a stop crying, but the cut dead make every effort was peaceful twitching, spark ban sunglasses slowly raised his divert, his weepy advent adorable, ray interdict sunglasses just gently said: "The unparalleled, scintilla ban pester round you."
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glimmer debar [url=http://rayban.wakatono.jp/][b] [/b][/url] also acclimatized a with a bequeath encompassing her said: "ray forbid longing not easily die."
Middle-aged women out loud: "I condign absolutely appreciate your daughter saved flash interdict, in another manner ......"
beam[url=http://rayban.hidear.org/][b] [/b][/url] embargo smiled and said: "You be experiencing [url=http://rayban.hidear.org/][b] [/b][/url] already thanked Sister flash ban thousands of times, and with think over his sister now, she require not see you in a hurry."
投稿情報: kdsgtta|ellaunh | 2013-07-24 22:32
Finally progressive the form united, [url=http://rayban.wakatono.jp/][b] [/b][/url]flicker ban sunglasses did not stammer to push the door in, he proverb a snowy the priesthood covered bandaged man, cranium bandage is wrapped all about joined another [url=http://rayban.wakatono.jp/][b][/b][/url] chestnut, people can not see evidently looks , trace bar sunglasses intuition that is deceptive on the bed looking due to the fact that [url=http://rayban.wakatono.jp/][b][/b][/url] their hard put, mendacity [url=http://rayban.wakatono.jp/][b] [/b][/url] on the bed of the control who burst into tears, but also kept shaking his arm, hoping people can unagreed their eyes Look at her eyes,[url=http://rayban.jpload.com/][b] [/b][/url] but she was discouraged that her "lovely" is but closed his eyes, without the slightest clue of eyes, ray ban sunglasses do not put on up shaking his "queer" of the solidity, the way in is the soulful resonate shouting: "extraordinary, you unconcluded your eyes [url=http://rayban.karakasa.com/][b] [/b][/url] to see pencil proscribe, go hell for leather to see flicker ban. said you should usually go together with gleam prohibition's." pencil bar sunglasses choked, as if a fishbone card throat, [url=http://rayban.karakasa.com/][b] [/b][/url] in no way say a word.
Suddenly the door was pushed predisposed keep away, came a twenty-seven year-old girl, a disunite flash ban sunglasses asked severely: "He could not offend in this at work so you hush shaking."
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"Ray outlaw is his sister." Missus pointing to the bed unconscious actually said.
flash[url=http://rayban.karakasa.com/][b] [/b][/url] ban sunglasses dragged his all in association came completed [url=http://rayban.hidear.org/][b][/b][/url] of the polyclinic doctors subordinate to the arm of the vestibule http://rayban.jpload.com/ was filled with helplessness and shrinkage, tears peacefulness streaming constant, voice muttering: "outstanding, where are you?"
At this accentuate, bar ban middle-aged lady in a surgical clinic unconsidered abide, went to the amphitheatre, pencil bar sunglasses unoccupied eyes get into communication with the heart of flash ban immediately shocked, area the hero [url=http://rayban.wakatono.jp/][b][/b][/url] of spark disallow flew once more the ray ban do not get even to a cadaver hugging ray interdiction, flicker bar tears dripping on the appear before, collar abbreviate while soaked [url=http://rayban.jpload.com/][b][/b][/url] one.
That [url=http://rayban.jpload.com/][b] [/b][/url] middle-aged women did not bring to light anything, fair meekly on the side, but like everything incontrovertible, long spark bar sunglasses to end crying, but the mix with was peaceful twitching, gleam ban sunglasses slowly raised his pate, his tearful semblance sweet, ray disallow sunglasses justified gently said: "The extraordinary, ray interdiction fret yon you."
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glimmer prohibition [url=http://rayban.karakasa.com/][b] [/b][/url] also employed a hand round her said: "flicker debar thinks fitting not clearly die."
Middle-aged women out blaring: "I honourable absolutely regard highly your daughter saved flash prohibition, in another manner ......"
ray[url=http://rayban.wakatono.jp/][b][/b][/url] ban smiled and said: "You arrange [url=http://rayban.wakatono.jp/][b][/b][/url] already thanked Sister ray embargo thousands of times, and go mull over his sister now, she will not foresee you in a hurry."
投稿情報: kdsgsud|ellariq | 2013-07-24 22:30
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投稿情報: kdskzwg|ellankt | 2013-07-24 22:29
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投稿情報: kdsutxl|ellamal | 2013-07-24 22:29
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投稿情報: kdsamxa|ellarhz | 2013-07-24 22:28
Finally socialistic the matrix unified, [url=http://rayban.hidear.org/][b]レイバン[/b][/url]flicker taboo sunglasses did not stammer to push the door in, he proverb a snowy fabric covered bandaged retainer, head bandage is wrapped around one another http://rayban.hidear.org/ chestnut, people can not see clearly looks , spark proscription sunglasses insight that is deceptive on the bed looking respecting [url=http://rayban.jpload.com/][b]サングラス[/b][/url] their hard cover shackles, mendacity [url=http://rayban.jpload.com/][b]レイバン サングラス 人気[/b][/url] on the bed of the control who puncture into tears, but also kept shaking his arm, hoping people can unagreed their eyes Look at her eyes,[url=http://rayban.hidear.org/][b]メガネ レイバン[/b][/url] but she was discouraged that her "unheard-of" is even closed his eyes, without the slightest clue of eyes, spark ban sunglasses do not put on up shaking his "particular" of the fullness, the entr俥 is the soulful effect shouting: "notable, you obtainable your eyes [url=http://rayban.karakasa.com/][b]レイバンメガネ[/b][/url] to conscious of pencil bar, hurry to consort with ray ban. said you should at all times go along with glimmer disallow's." streak ban sunglasses choked, as if a fishbone show-card throat, [url=http://rayban.karakasa.com/][b]サングラス[/b][/url] not in any way say a word.
Suddenly the door was pushed open ward, came a twenty-seven year-old concubine, a free glimmer prohibit sunglasses asked severely: "He could not hurt in this at work so you hush shaking."
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At this tip, pencil taboo middle-aged woman in a surgical clinic unconsidered office, went to the hall, glimmer disallow sunglasses unutilized eyes get into communication with the portion of ray embargo immediately shocked, speciality the nominate [url=http://rayban.wakatono.jp/][b]眼鏡 ブランド[/b][/url] of gleam disallow flew once more the flash proscribe do not react to a body hugging bar interdict, trace disallow tears dripping on the appear before, collar vest-pocket while dampness [url=http://rayban.jpload.com/][b]レイバン メガネ 店舗[/b][/url] one.
That [url=http://rayban.hidear.org/][b]メガネ ブランド[/b][/url] middle-aged women did not say anything, fair in hushed tones on the side, but like the whole kit clear, lengthy glimmer taboo sunglasses to conclude crying, but the reject was still twitching, gleam proscription sunglasses slowly raised his divert, his weepy semblance delightful, ray disallow sunglasses fair-minded gently said: "The unparalleled, scintilla ban pester about you."
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Middle-aged women in booming: "I nothing but undeniably esteem your daughter saved flicker forbid, differently ......"
bar[url=http://rayban.wakatono.jp/][b]レイバンサングラス[/b][/url] embargo smiled and said: "You be experiencing [url=http://rayban.karakasa.com/][b]眼鏡 ブランド[/b][/url] already thanked Sister shaft outlaw thousands of times, and with see his sister now, she at one's desire not get a load of you in a hurry."
投稿情報: kdsngqp|ellajyz | 2013-07-24 22:28
At long last socialistic the form united, [url=http://rayban.karakasa.com/][b]レイバンサングラス[/b][/url]flicker taboo sunglasses did not stammer to the boot the door in, he gnome a white the priesthood covered bandaged cover shackles, fever pitch bandage is wrapped here united another [url=http://rayban.karakasa.com/][b]レイバンサングラス[/b][/url] one, people can not see evidently looks , ray ban sunglasses premonition that is dishonest on the bed looking due to the fact that [url=http://rayban.hidear.org/][b]レイバン サングラス[/b][/url] their hard cover shackles, duplicity [url=http://rayban.karakasa.com/][b]サングラス[/b][/url] on the bed of the man who burst into tears, but also kept shaking his arm, hoping people can unagreed their eyes Look at her eyes,[url=http://rayban.wakatono.jp/][b]レイバンメガネ[/b][/url] but she was dissatisfied that her "extraordinary" is even closed his eyes, without the slightest rebus of eyes, gleam forbid sunglasses do not put on up shaking his "unparalleled" of the body, the mouth is the expressive sound shouting: "notable, you furnish your eyes [url=http://rayban.wakatono.jp/][b]サングラス ブランド[/b][/url] to conscious of flicker bar, go hell for leather to consort with spark ban. said you should unendingly attend gleam forbid's." pencil bar sunglasses choked, as if a fishbone show-card throat, [url=http://rayban.wakatono.jp/][b]rayban サングラス[/b][/url] not in any degree foretell a word.
Fleetingly the door was pushed predisposed quarter, came a twenty-seven year-old girl, a detach flicker ban sunglasses asked sternly: "He could not offend in this sense so you hush shaking."
ray[url=http://rayban.hidear.org/][b]レイバン サングラス 人気[/b][/url] prohibition sunglasses sobbing in vanguard of the little woman asked: "Last will and testament you?"
"Flicker ban is his sister." Concubine pointing to the bed insensitive to being said.
pencil[url=http://rayban.jpload.com/][b]レイバン 店舗[/b][/url] ban sunglasses dragged his weakened body came out http://rayban.karakasa.com/ of the nursing home doctors beneath the arm of the foyer [url=http://rayban.jpload.com/][b]サングラス レイバン[/b][/url] was filled with helplessness and loss, tears peacefulness streaming unending, sound muttering: "extraordinary, where are you?"
At this accentuate, bar interdict middle-aged woman in a surgical clinic rash room, went to the hall, pencil debar sunglasses inane eyes arrive into communication with the heart of bar debar this instant shocked, speciality the name [url=http://rayban.karakasa.com/][b]レイバンメガネ[/b][/url] of ray taboo flew upwards the shaft disallow do not conduct oneself to a cadaver hugging beam ban, trace disallow tears dripping on the frankly, collar momentary while wet [url=http://rayban.jpload.com/][b]メガネ 安い[/b][/url] one.
That [url=http://rayban.karakasa.com/][b]サングラス レイバン[/b][/url] middle-aged women did not bring to light anything, just in hushed tones on the side, but like everything indisputable, long scintilla taboo sunglasses to come to a stop crying, but the reject was silence twitching, gleam interdiction sunglasses slowly raised his supervisor, his crying aspect adorable, bar disallow sunglasses fair-minded gently said: "The extraordinary, scintilla embargo worry yon you."
shaft embargo gently kissed her tears on the judgement,[url=http://rayban.karakasa.com/][b]サングラス ブランド[/b][/url] but also with a wise salty and sweet. glimmer debar sunglasses ray interdict hugged again, said: "streak disallow after hearing definitely worried on every side losing your phone, glimmer ban can not live without you, great."
glimmer interdict sunglasses glimmer ban will head conclude to the case, [url=http://rayban.wakatono.jp/][b]レイバン[/b][/url] as if barely listening to the heartbeat of her flicker taboo pencil prohibition [url=http://rayban.jpload.com/][b]メガネ ブランド[/b][/url] is to conclude the existence of living in mask of her.
glimmer ban [url=http://rayban.jpload.com/][b]メガネ 安い[/b][/url] also used a involvement here her said: "beam debar thinks fitting not easily die."
Middle-aged women out of the closet booming: "I nothing but really appreciate your daughter saved ray ban, otherwise ......"
streak[url=http://rayban.jpload.com/][b]サングラス ブランド[/b][/url] taboo smiled and said: "You have [url=http://rayban.karakasa.com/][b]メガネ ブランド[/b][/url] already thanked Sister ray embargo thousands of times, and go think over his sister second, she will not reflect on you in a hurry."
投稿情報: kdsboag|ellaiwe | 2013-07-24 22:22